Take it from me.

There’s a look that she gets in her eyes. (That's the first thing.) Then she'll raise a finger. And then she'll rest her chin in her hand. And that's your cue to lean in and to listen up.

Because she's about to drop some wisdom that just may change everything for you and your business. The way she sees is extraordinary. Her depth of experience is legendary. But it's her desire on behalf of you and your business that's breathtaking.

I don't make a move in my business until I've had Amy's all-seeing eyes on it.

If you're lucky enough to get to work with Amy Posner...buckle up. You're in for a ride. 

"I don't make a move in my business until I've had Amy's all-seeing eyes on it."

Leadership and Executive Coach, TEDx Women Speaker, Amy Posner Fan

Tanya Geisler

Coaching built around who you are, 
what you want and when you want it

I’ve never built a business on my own. I’ve always plugged into the best brains I could find.

Not to find out how they would do it, but to discover how I could do it. My business. My way.

That’s what great coaching delivers (and one reason I love my own business coach to bits).

And that’s how I approach my coaching with you.

There are two ways I can help you do that. My one-to-one, on-demand coaching or my small-group program - The Freelancer Lab.

Click below to see what’s best for you.

It’s about clearing away the fog of overwhelming and unnecessary choices, finding out what’s yours to do, and putting a plan in motion. Quickly and with impact.

1:1 Coaching  →

The Freelance Lab  →

Coaching built around who you are, what you want and when you want it

“I come to you with a jumbled mess, and you help me sort it out so I know the next thing to do, and how to do it."

"You Give me clarity"

Jen Baxter