Is $100,000 all it’s cracked up to be? 

For years, it’s been the holy grail of income. Six figures. Multiple six figures. Lots of screaming and shouting online about how easy that is to achieve.

Only 18% of Americans earn six figures or more, so it’s a relatively rare accomplishment. 

It’s absolutely achievable as a creative freelancer. I’ve helped many of my clients achieve six figures.

I’ve helped others realize that wasn’t what they were after at all.

And, I think it’s important to consider that…

Achieving your goals has a very particular cost.  

One that stops many freelancers dead in their tracks. 

There’s an idea in economics I like called Opportunity Costs.  

It’s what you give up to do something else.  

The opportunity cost of going to the cinema is whatever else you could have done instead with your time and money.  

This is a very useful tool when you’re making decisions.  

An extra $5k for the full super-duper spec package for your new car?

Or a week in Norway, chasing the Northern Lights at night while riding a team of huskies across moonlit snow?  

But Opportunity Cost has a dark side. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). 

I see it with so many freelancers who push back against niching or picking a service type or taking a position.  

I totally understand the need to discover, to learn what’s right for you, but at some point you need to make a decision. 

And it is perfectly valid to be a generalist.  

If that’s what you want, own it. There are many successful and happy generalists. I was one for a long time.  

I loved learning and exploring and checking out ALL the possibilities. It was interesting, but it cost me. I was willing to pay the price – until I wasn’t. So, I can’t fault you.  

But being a generalist because you can’t decide? That’s something you need to resolve.  

Because there’s an amazing business waiting to be built once you do.  

This was originally sent as an issue of my weekly newsletter, Breakthrough Beat.
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And so you know I can walk the walk…

Are you ready for clients who bring you interesting projects and higher fees? A bank balance that means you don’t have to worry about what happens in the next 12 months?  

Then know this…

Getting there isn’t luck. It’s the result of deliberate steps that follow well-proven paths to success.  

I know those steps and I know those paths, and I’m going to show you both, starting today.

As long as your business is client-based, your success – and the size of your bank account – is tied directly to the quality of clients you attract.

Hi, I’m Amy Posner…

  • I’ve coached hundreds of creative freelancers to success
  • I’ve built six businesses, all highly profitable
  • I’ve owned and run a micro and a full creative agency
  • As a freelancer, I’ve had multiple $200k+ years
  • My businesses have sailed through the worst economic shocks the last 30 years could throw at them

And now I’m going to share everything I know with you about building a resilient and rewarding business that delivers on the full promise of your talent.

LEarn more about working together  →

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